Primary Internet (Gigawave) Home Speed Test Results
Date: December 9, 2024 at 01:43 PMDownload Speed
Bandwidth: 450.50 Mbps
Elapsed: 6.2 seconds
Upload Speed
Bandwidth: 304.46 Mbps
Elapsed: 8.2 seconds
Server Information
Name: GSL Networks
Location: Melbourne
Country: Australia
Ping Results (Google)
Ping Value: 5.38 ms
Ping Value: 5.96 ms
Ping Value: 6.03 ms
Ping Value: 5.58 ms
Average Ping: 5.74 ms
Ping Results (Cloudflare)
Ping Value: 11.6 ms
Ping Value: 6.7 ms
Ping Value: 7.77 ms
Ping Value: 6.62 ms
Average Ping: 8.17 ms Result
This is an automated test. As this is an automated test and impact by other network traffic at the time of the test, the tests may vary.
Starlink Gen 2 Speed Test Results
Date: December 9, 2024 at 01:43 PMDownload Speed
Bandwidth: 153.82 Mbps
Elapsed: 12.5 seconds
Upload Speed
Bandwidth: 30.33 Mbps
Elapsed: 6.2 seconds
Server Information
Name: Hosted Network
Location: Sydney
Country: Australia
Ping Results (Google)
Ping Value: 23.4 ms
Ping Value: 21.5 ms
Ping Value: 20.2 ms
Ping Value: 79.5 ms
Average Ping: 36.15 ms
Ping Results (Cloudflare)
Ping Value: 44 ms
Ping Value: 22.6 ms
Ping Value: 20.6 ms
Ping Value: 18.7 ms
Average Ping: 26.48 ms Result
This is an automated test completed on a Starlink Generation 2. This is a failover connection and is generally unused, resulting in speed tests being pretty consistent and having full bandwidth. In the event of failover occurring, the Starlink tests may vary.